Supporting Pupils at School With Medical Conditions
The guidance ‘Supporting Pupils at School With Medical Conditions’ is issued under Section 100 of the Children and Families Act 2014 and places a duty on governing bodies of maintained schools to make arrangements for supporting pupils at their school with medical conditions.
At Westgate Primary School, we will have due regard to the following documents:
- Department for Education’s statutory guidance, ‘Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions’, April 2014 (This statutory guidance also refers to other specific laws.)
- Children and Families Act 2014 (Section 100)
- Equality Act 2010
- Special Educational Needs Code of Practice (September 2014)
- Other school policies, such as Child Protection, Equal Opportunities, Behaviour Management and Special Educational Needs.
At Westgate Primary School, children with medical conditions, in terms of both physical and mental health, will be properly supported in school so that they can play a full and active role in school life, remain healthy and achieve their academic potential and that they can access and enjoy the same opportunities at school as any other child.
We recognise that pupils with long-term and complex medical conditions may require ongoing support, medicines or care while at school to help them to manage their condition and keep them well. Others may require monitoring and interventions in emergency circumstances. The school recognises that each child’s needs are individual.
We also recognise that needs may change over time, and that this may result in extended absence from school. The school will make every effort to minimise the impact on a child’s educational attainment and support his or her emotional and general well-being, including any necessary reintegration programmes. The school will focus on giving pupils and their parents every confidence in the school’s approach.
The school recognises that some children who require support with their medical conditions may also have special educational needs and may have a statement or Education Healthcare Plan (EHCP).
We will work together with other schools, health professionals, other support services, and the Local Authority. Sometimes it may be necessary for the school to work flexibly, and may, for example, involve a combination of attendance at school and alternative provision.
The admission to school is conducted by the Governing Body of the school in connection with Lancashire County Council, who make the formal offer of school places.
No child with a medical condition will be denied admission on the grounds that arrangements for his or her medical condition have not been made. In line with the school’s safeguarding duties, the school does not have to accept a child in school at times where it would be detrimental to the health of that child or others to do so.
Westgate Primary School Supporting Pupils With Medical Conditions Policy
National Healthy Child Programme
Health Needs Assessment Questionnaire (HNAQ)
Westgate Primary School participates in the national Healthy Child Programme, which aims to improve the health outcomes of children and young people. In Lancashire, this programme is lead by our local school nurses. As part of the Healthy Child Programme, children in Year Six will be asked to complete a Health Needs Assessment Questionnaire. The pupil responses from the collated questionnaires will generate;
- A summary report for the school which will provide the school with information about the health needs of pupils, which can be used to inform our PSHE Curriculum and Pastoral Support.
- An individual report for each pupil, accessed only by the school nurse, to identify and address individual health needs.
- Information for Lancashire County Council to include in population health needs assessments and inform future provision for children and young people in Lancashire.
Only the School Nurse will be able to see the information on your child’s Health Needs Questionnaire. If the responses indicate that your child has a particular health issue, the School Nurse will contact your child individually. School DO NOT see your child’s individual information.
If you are happy for your child to be part of the Health Needs Assessment Questionnaire, you do not need to do anything. If you do not want your child to take part, then please let school know. Children will not be made to take part if they do not want to.
Please click link below:
Information for Children, Young People and their families.Collection of health Assessments/Questionaires at Year 6 and Year 9