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Safeguarding and Promoting the Welfare of Children



Westgate Primary School Safeguarding Statement

At Westgate Primary School, the safety and well-being of our children in our care is paramount. We acknowledge the importance of children experiencing environments where their needs are met and they can thrive to ensure healthy development for their futures where they can reach their individual potential. Our approach to safeguarding and child protection is child-centred and we recognise the importance of listening to the voice of the child. 


In order to do achieve this, Westgate School operates a range of policies that inform our practice. This is depicted in the diagram below: 




We aim to foster excellent relationships with families within our school community and offer support through our Inclusion Team for families that may require it. Westgate also works together across agencies to help achieve the best outcomes for children and families who need a higher level of support.


Westgate's practice is governed by the statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 and Working Together to Safeguarding Children 2022. For more information on anything related to Safeguarding or Child Protection please see our Safeguarding Policy or contact the school office to speak with one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads.











If you would like to discuss anything relating to safeguarding or child protection, please contact one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads via the school office, or using the work mobile:


Vicky Hodgson - SENCo/Inclusion  Lead/Safeguarding Lead



Emma Finch - Pupil Support Worker/Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead




Marie Wilkinson - Inclusion Coordinator / Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead



Jane Henderson - Headteacher/Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead



Tom Clarke - Acting Deputy Headteacher / Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead












Kidsafe UK Programme



We are a proud Kidsafe UK school, and have recently been given Beacon School status. We deliver the Kidsafe UK programme to all our pupils from Foundation Stage though to Year 6. This means children are able to learn skills to empower themselves to keep safe from all forms of abuse in a non-innocence shattering way.


We have three trained Kidsafe UK tutors in school who deliver the 5 week programme and offer pastoral support for any child wishing to discuss any ‘yukky feelings’ and act as named ‘trusted grown-ups’ in school. Any concerns relating to a child at risk of harm would be acted on by the Designated Safeguarding Lead in school, as outlined in our Child Protection Policy.


As part of our emphasis on prevention and empowerment we regularly run parent workshops to offer information on our work in school on safeguarding and how parents can link into this at home.


Cyber-bullying and E-Safety are also hot topics that Kidsafe UK covers through its specialist programme. Parent workshops are also offered as part of Safer Internet Day every year.


By being a Kidsafe UK registered school we send a very clear message that we will not tolerate any form of abuse. We feel the work of the charity in how it supports our children in school is invaluable, and we welcome any further questions from parents regarding this.

For more information, please visit:











Operation Encompass



Westgate Primary School is now part of Operation Encompass which is a system in place across Lancashire as well as other counties to share information between police and school regarding domestic abuse. The following is taken from the Operation Encompass website - which is listed in the below section.


Operation Encompass is a police and education early information sharing partnership enabling schools to offer immediate support for children and young people experiencing domestic abuse. Information is shared by the police with a school's trained Key Adult (DSL) prior to the start of the next school day after officers have attended a domestic abuse incident thus enabling appropriate support to be given, dependent upon the needs and wishes of the child.'


Westgate's Operation Encompass trained lead is Vicky Hodgson - Designated Safeguarding Lead. For more information please see the website below or contact the school office.